In Python, values ​​of different types are stored inside variables such as numeric value is stored inside a variable, alphabetic value is stored inside another variable, it is called 'Data Types'.

Types of Data in Python

There are six types of data types in Python.

Data type

  • Number
  • String
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Dictionary
  • Set

1. Number Data Types in Python

There are three types of Number Data Types.

Integer Number Data Type
Floating-point Number Data Type
Complex Number Data Type

Important:-The type () function is used to check the data type.

1 Integer Number Data Type

The integer data type is the normal numeric values. integer numbers do not have an undefined part.

Source Code:

a = 5
b = 1234456987
c = 12345678998745632117211
print (a)
print (b)
print (c)
print (type (a))
print (type (b))
print (type (c))
Integer number data type


<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>

2 Floating-point Number Data Type

Floating-point numbers are the undefined part. There is no limit to the floating-point number in Python.

Source Code:

float number data type

4.121549864465135e + 35
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>

3 Complex Number Data Type

Complex data type 'a + bj' is in this form, in which 'a' is the real part and 'b' is the imaginary part.

Source Code:

a = 1 + 4j
b = 5 + 4758499j
print (a)
print (b)
print (type (a))
print (type (b))

complex number data type


(1 + 4j)
(5 + 4758499j)
<class 'complex'>
<class 'complex'>

String data type in python

The string is a set of characters. characters; There can be letters, numbers or special symbols. In Python, single ('') or double ("") are written inside quotes. String This is the immutable data type.

Source Code:

str1 = "Hello World"
str2 = "Hello Friends"

print (str1)
print (str2)
String data type

Hello World
Hello Friends

In most programming languages, the string is printed in the index, similarly in Python string is also printed with indexes. The first character of the string starts with index '0' and the last index of the string is '-1'.

Source Code:

str = "Hello World"
print ("First letter in string:", str [0])
print ("Last letter in string:", str [-1])
print ("Second last letter in string:", str [-2])
String data type


The first letter in a string: H
Last letter in a string: d
Second last letter in a string: l

Click here to know more about string.

List Data Type in Python

Python's list data type has more than one item. Each item is separated by a comma (,). All the items in the list are closed under square bracket ([]).

List This is a compound data type in which items of any data types can be accessed. list This is a mutable data type. The values ​​of items of these data types can be changed.

Source Code:

list = [1, "Hello", 5.6, (1, "Hii")]
for i in list:
    print (i)

List data type

(1, 'Hii')

Click here to know more about Python

Tuple Data Type in Python

Python's list data type has more than one item. This is similar to the list data type. Each item is separated by comma (,). All items of Tuple are enclosed within parenthesis (()).

Tuple is a compound data type in which items of any data types can be accessed. list This is an immutable data type. The values ​​of items of these data types cannot be changed.

Source Code:

tuple = (1, "Hello", 5.6, (1, "Hii"))
for i in tuple:
    print (i)
tuple [0] = 3 #trying to changing 0th index
print (tuple [0])
Tuple data type


(1, 'Hii')
Traceback (most recent call last):
    tuple [0] = 3 #trying to changing 0th index
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

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Dictionary Data Type in Python

Dictionary Data Type has pairs of keys and values. The pair of each key value is separated by comma (,) and the key and value by a colon (:). All the keys and values ​​of the dictionary are written in curly braces ({}). This is an immutable data type.

Source Code:

dict = {1: "H", 5: "e", 7: "l", 8: "l", 9: "o"}

print (dict [5])
print (dict [9])
Dictionary data type


Click here to know about Python

Set data type in python
Set Data Type This is an unordered collection of items. Every item given in the set is new. If a duplicate item is found, it is removed. Items of the set data type are written under curly braces ({}}).

Source Code:

set1 = {"Ramesh", "Suresh", "Kamlesh"}
for i in set1:
    print (i)
set2 = {3, 5, 8, 7, 1, 3}
for j in set2:
    print (j)
Set data type


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